Sunday, September 19, 2010


As we take a closer look to the reality, we can see those hungry people around, we can hear those little voices crying for help and we can feel that the world is suffering. We are slowly drowning.

Everyone is dreaming to have a great future ahead of them. A more progressive and a better country to live at. Its been a hanging question for everyone how to attain these stars. They wanted to seek answers behind the mystery of it. They are eager to reach those ambitions for themselves and for the country.

English language has been often said to be the universal language. Yes, it's a fact. It isn't easy to gain cooperation so we must first be united or in-tack in a single language. Different mouths and colors but with the same words can work together efficiently. Through English as a language, we can communicate effectively and it may result to a much progressive country.

"Life is a treasure with ENGLISH"